

● ブラインドセーリングをおこなっているNPO法人であること
● 詳しくは公式サイトをご覧いただくようご案内


A. JBSAの所有艇を使用した活動は、すべて法人としての公式な活動になります。

B. JBSAでは、船に乗ることができるのは、正会員とその家族会員、そして、支部から乗船の依頼を受けた賛助会員です。

C. その他、入会を検討するために、非会員が体験乗船をしていただくことができます。体験乗船のルールは、支部ごとに異なりますので、支部役員等にご確認ください。

How to introduce JBSA on SNS

When you personally introduce JBSA's activities on SNS or recruit new members, please keep the following points in mind and be proactive in your introduction activities.

1. Please inform them that we are a blind sailing non-profit organization.
2. Please inform them that official information is available on the website.

In addition, please also confirm the following three points.

A. All activities using JBSA-owned boats are official corporate activities.

B. In JBSA, only regular members, their family members, and supporting members who are requested by the chapter to board the boats are allowed to board the boats.

C. In addition, non-members are welcome to board the ship for a trial cruise in order to consider membership. Rules for trial embarkation vary from chapter to chapter. Please check with the chapter officers.

Thank you.